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Breadline U

In the 1930s, marathons and amateur contests allowed beleaguered Americans to literally sing and dance through the Depression. In this economic downturn, the Lumina Foundation urges suffering Americans to go back to school.

“Higher education is key to America’s prosperity, civic participation and social well-being,” the Foundation recently announced.  “In a recent Lumina Webcast national experts called for a redoubling of efforts to ensure that more Americans receive college training and credentials that will get Americans back to work and lead us out of the Great Recession.”

Ronald Reagan used to say that a recession was when your neighbor lost his job and  Depression was when you lost yours. As the Lumina panelists were mostly academics, they will likely never have the make that fine distinction.

Malcolm A. Kline is the Executive Director of Accuracy in Academia [1].

If you would like to comment on this article, e-mail mal.kline@academia.org [2]

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