Climb the Highest What?

, Malcolm A. Kline, Leave a comment

Enthusiasm for the President of the United States may run higher in academia than in other quarters of the United States but a SUNY-Binghamton prof went way over the top in giving him a new title, among other things. “The population of Jews in the US is three percent … but [their ‘genius’] leads to their controlling so much power that even presidents are scared [of them],” Ali al-Amin Mazrui, director of the Institute of Global Cultural Studies at SUNY Binghamton said at the Ifriqiyya Colloquium Conference, held on the top floor of Columbia University’s International Affairs Building, on Thursday, May 6. “Whether [President Barack] Obama will be able to escape the notion that three percent of the country is so powerful that the top gentile in the land cannot criticize Israel is not clear.”

“Ostensibly, Mazrui was comparing the impact of Jews on Europe to the impact of Arabs on Africa,” NYU senior Brendan Goldman reported in The American Thinker. “However, he was more interested in why ‘Arabs lagged behind Jews in manifest genius.’”

“After admitting he knew little about Arab history and even less about Jews, Mazrui proceeded to spend his allotted time talking about the history of both peoples.”

Goldman is an intern at the Middle East Forum.

Malcolm A. Kline is the Executive Director of Accuracy in Academia.