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Federal Assault on Catholicism

Despite the pleas of concerned Catholics and other citizens nationwide, the Obama Administration has issued a mandate directing religious institutions such as Thomas Aquinas College to provide insurance coverage for contraceptives, sterilization, and even abortifacients. Because these are contrary to the teachings of the Church, Thomas Aquinas College cannot comply with this mandate and faces burdensome penalties as a result.

Our chief shepherd in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Archbishop José Gomez, has published an excellent article [1]  in the most recent edition of First Things about this unprecedented attack on the freedom of conscience and the freedom of religion that we as Americans are guaranteed under our Constitution. I recommend it to you so that you can get a sense of what is now at stake for America.

In reaction to this recent mandate by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and in keeping with Archbishop Gomez’s call that the Catholic laity of our country make our voices heard on this matter, I have sent a letter [2] to our United States congressman and senators, asking them to seek its withdrawal.

“I urge you to do the same by visiting the website [3] of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, where you can easily locate your elected officials and add your voice to this protest. Once you complete the form, the names and e-mail addresses of your representative and senators will automatically be filled in.

Please also pray with all of us at Thomas Aquinas College that this mandate will be repealed, and Americans of all religions may live in peace and according to the dictates of their consciences.


Dr. Michael F. McLean is the President of Thomas Aquinas College, which distributed this statement.

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