Florida State University Student Government Wants to Ban Wearing of Headdresses at Football Games

, Spencer Irvine, Leave a comment

seminole mascot photoWearing headdresses at a football game is offensive, apparently:

Student leaders have approved a resolution asking fans not to wear Native American headdresses to sporting events. They even want the school to make it an official offense.

“The Student Government Association approved the nonbinding, formal opinion by a 27-4 vote on April 20 asking the university’s administration to consider adding the wearing of headdresses as a violation of the student code of conduct,” NBC Miami reports. “The SGA said it passed the resolution because many of the headdresses worn at athletic events are representative of other tribes, in particular Plains tribes like the Sioux, and not the Seminoles. Part of the resolution reads that the Senate ‘does not condone the wearing of headdresses because it inaccurately depicts the culture of the Seminole Tribe.’”

Photo by Matthew Stinson


Photo by State Library and Archives of Florida