Life Lessons

, Malcolm A. Kline, Leave a comment

One of the benefits of the recap of the annual March for Life that anti-abortion activists hold here in our nation’s capital is the glimpse it gives us of the full throttle manner in which abortion is promoted today. “This year’s National Teens for Life Summit trained more than 20 teens from diverse backgrounds with a host of talents,” Joleigh Little reports in the National Right To Life News. “They ranged in age from 13 to 22 and will take what they learned one cold January weekend in Washington, D.C., and carry it with them as they go back to their middle schools, high schools, and colleges.”

“I know how I feel, but I liked learning how to respond” Christie Jahnke, 19, told Little. “I have a class in bioethics and what I learned will help me argue points in class with valid information.”

“The problem with our generation is that people are constantly trying to get us in a pro-abortion mindset,” Jessica Echard of the Eagle Forum told an Accuracy in Academia seminar audience four years ago. Jessica herself is in her 20s.

“The best thing about Summit is being able to get together with other pro-life youth from different parts of the country,” Bridget Balch, 16 stated. “The Summit encouraged me to renew my efforts to involve my school in pro-life activities, and to talk more about the issues with my friends.”

Before you try to separate church and state with your bare hands, you should know that Bridget goes to a Christian school. No doubt some would-be education reformers, who don’t get as worked up about tanking math scores as they do about religious instruction, are brainstorming somewhere, trying to figure out how to regulate Christian academies out of existence.

Malcolm A. Kline is the executive director of Accuracy in Academia.