Recent Articles

The 411 for Politicians

, Wendy Cook

Harvard University’s Institute of Politics (IOP) Student Survey Group recently released their “10 Things Politicians Should Know About Young People” based on their results from an online national poll of 2,923 18-24 year-olds.

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VT Epilogue

, Malcolm A. Kline

While many reacted to the Virginia Tech massacre with calls for more gun control, an NYU sociologist put the blame on the failure of schools in the “socialization” of student bodies.

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Silenced and Straight

, Tony Perkins

Try as they might to smother the pro-family message, school officials across the country had a difficult time silencing the 7,000 students in 49 states who participated in the Alliance Defense Fund’s (ADF) “Day of Truth” last week.

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Carbon Footprints

, Malcolm A. Kline

While global warming alarmists, including some initial backers of a certain former U. S. Vice President’s Oscar-winning documentary, are jumping off the climate change express, high schools are increasingly hopping aboard this environmental bandwagon.

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Penn State Censorship

, Lori Lowenthall Marcus

Joshua H. Stulman, the former Penn State art student whose anti-terrorism artwork was censored by Penn State, and who was labeled a racist propagandist for Israel by two professors, has filed a Complaint in federal court claiming violations of his First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and expression and of association, and that he was defamed by School of Visual Arts Director Charles Garoian.

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Recent Articles

School Choice Celebrated by Congress

, Spencer Irvine

School choice advocates celebrated the work of champions of the issue, reported the Washington Examiner: “School choice advocates gathered on Capitol Hill Tuesday to rally for educational options and celebrate three members of Congress that…

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Defending Religious Liberty

, Judy Russell

On June 26th, same-sex marriage legislation as well as amendments to the state public accommodation laws were enacted in all 50 states, under the Supreme Court’s ruling of Obergefell v. Hodges. While gay couples all…

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