Recent Articles

The New Holocaust Deniers

, Don Irvine

British schoolteachers have become the latest Holocaust deniers by dropping the subject from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim students according to a newly released government backed study.

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LA Board Charters Failure

, Lance T. Izumi

On March 29, the Los Angeles school board voted to oppose expansion of a diverse and improving charter-school consortium, and to extend the life of a failing charter.

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School Gag Order Lifted

, Karen England

Three years ago during the homosexual Day of Silence, a Christian high school student in Poway, Chase Harper, decided to wear a t-shirt stating: “I will not accept what God has condemned” and “Homosexuality is shameful. Romans 1:27.” When Harper refused school administrators’ demands to remove his t-shirt, he was suspended from school.

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A Marriage Textbook?

, Wendy Cook

The Meaning of Marriage: family, state, market and morals is a collection of ten scholarly essays aiming to rethink and re-present the case for marriage as a positive institution.

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Illusory Economic Growth

, Malcolm A. Kline

Yet another widely held perception in academia is the idea that somehow universities contribute to economic growth although the exact cause and effect is hard to pin down.

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Recent Articles

The Dues and Don’ts of NEA Activism

, Tony Perkins

Was it a meeting of the National Education Association or the Democratic National Committee? At times it was difficult to tell. The annual gathering of America’s largest teachers union featured everything from a lesbian proposal…

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Tragedy of U.S. History

, Judy Russell

On February 17th, an education bill was passed by the Oklahoma State House of Representatives Education Committee to “defund the current Advanced Placement U.S. History course framework and replace it with a curriculum deemed more…

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