Sicko Again

, Malcolm A. Kline, Leave a comment

When it first came out, I predicted that the Michael Moore “health care documentary” Sicko would soon be used in college courses. I was off: It’s being used in a high school.

“Dismayed that her literature and composition final required analyzing Michael Moore’s Sicko, Missouri high school senior Celeste Finkenbine filed a complaint with her principal,” The Education Reporter reports. “The 18-year-old said the screed against the American health care system is ‘so far on the left side I don’t think it should have been shown in school,’ and that the teacher called her a ‘teabagger’ (a sexual slur) in class.”

“The district confirmed that Debra Blessman violated school policy by failing to consult with an administrator before showing a film in class, but would not say if she would be disciplined.” The Education Reporter is published by a conservative group called the Eagle Forum.

Over at, Bob McCarty tried to contact the principal and got mostly evasions. Finkenbine attended Francis Howell High School in St. Charles, Missouri.

Malcolm A. Kline is the Executive Director of Accuracy in Academia.