The Federal Reserve’s monetary policies have manufactured a “super bubble” that “ … may give us the worst economic downturn including the Great Depression,” economist Peter Schiff declared during an interview with Accuracy in Media….
Articles By: Alex Nitzberg
Sheriff Clarke Describes Media As “Propaganda Machine”
Calling coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement “pathetic,” Sheriff David Clarke told AIM that the media have “… become the propaganda wing or the propaganda machine of the Democrat party. So they’re now heavily…
Sheriff David Clarke Rejects the Term “Police Brutality”
Police officers fear being prosecuted for performing their duties Sheriff David Clarke explained saying, “…they’re not afraid to do their job, but they’re afraid of … the United States Department of Justice and their jack-booted…
Sheriff David Clarke: Black ‘Lies’ Matter
The Black Lives Matter movement “…doesn’t care any more about the lives of black people than the Ku Klux Klan … ” Sheriff David Clarke asserted during an interview with Accuracy in Media. “Black Lives…
Black Lives Matter Lists “White Supremacy, Patriarchy, Capitalism” Among Reasons for Orlando Attack
While conservatives identify the Orlando massacre as an Islamic terrorist attack and the left blames a variety of factors including conservatives and guns, the Black Lives Matter movement has published its own unique perspective on…
Iranian Islamization In Central and South America
The recent slaughter in Orlando leaves many citizens acutely aware of the dangers posed by Islamic terrorism, however, many Americans have never heard about Iran’s Islamic proselytization efforts in Central and South America. “ …The…
Cheryl Chumley Explains America’s “Police State,” Offers Solution
A confluence of abridged liberties will transform the United States into a nation “…where the government is basically policing every individual American’s actions,” Cheryl Chumley asserted at Accuracy in Academia’s Author’s Night event. While discussing…
Colonel Allen West Critiques President Obama
The President’s support of the Black Lives Matter movement and his public statements about nationally reported conflicts between individuals and the police contribute to racial tensions, retired Colonel Allen West told Accuracy in Media. Colonel…
Black Lives Matter’s LGBTQ Agenda
While the media cover Black Lives Matter’s complaints of racism and police brutality, they largely underreport the movement’s campaign to normalize all permutations of sexual proclivity. The “Guiding Principles” on clearly delineate the group’s…
Colonel Allen West Talks to AIM About Black Lives Matter
The Black Lives Matter movement is a tool used by the left to maintain their “…90 percent plus hold on the black political electorate,” according to Colonel Allen West. “I think that their whole existence…