Campus Reform has a good map that shows which campuses are protesting Donald Trump’s White House victory:
Topic: anti-Trump
George Washington University Student Claimed the Election isn’t Over
Students assembled in front of a college building at the Foggy Bottom campus of George Washington University and chanted “Si se puede” (means ‘yes you can’ in Spanish) and alternated speakers: Speaker at anti-Trump rally…
Students Hold ‘Black Lives Matter’ and Anti-Trump Rally Outside the White House
The students, who are believed to be a mix of local high school students and college students, began their protest outside the White House fence and marched through parts of Washington, D.C., chanting ‘Black Lives…
The Big Losers on Election Day
The biggest losers on election night were in the liberal media, an adjunct of the national Democratic Party. But the far-left “progressives” who had backed Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and then rationalized voting for Hillary…