At the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, several public charter school officials lauded the rising popularity of charter schools across the United States. Kenneth Campbell, president of Louisiana’s Black Alliance for Educational Options, Scott Pearson, executive…
Topic: education
The Obama Administration Restricts Credit Card Use
The Obama administration is pushing Americans away from credit cards and regular lines of credit in the financial market and pushing them toward loan sharks and other lines of credit, a panel of professors noted…
Campbell Brown at AEI: Public School Protection Racket
“What do you call Democrats with kids?” goes a joke of fairly recent vintage. “Republicans,” is the punch line. Former CNN reporter Campbell Brown may not have reached that point yet but she has become…
Kaplan University Takes On Obama
The U.S. Department of Education’s latest rule, the “gainful employment” or GE rule, mandates that for-profit colleges cannot saddle students with debt at an arbitrary rate. However, it affects only for-profit colleges such as Kaplan,…
Common Core: Beyond Rote
As we’ve noted before, when proponents of the Obama Administration’s Common Core education reforms try to make the case for the program, they often end up giving material to its opponents. Case in point: the Center…
MOOCs Expand, Homeschoolers Beware
The School Reform News, published by the Heartland Institute, found there are over 1,200 massive open online courses, or MOOCs, offered by over 200 universities and taken by an estimated ten million K-12 students. Florida…
On Constitution Day, FIRE Mails First Amendment Warning to More Than 300 Colleges
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 17, 2014—In a national certified mailing sent today, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) warns the leaders of more than 300 of our nation’s largest and most prestigious public colleges and…
Common Core’s Revenge
The Pioneer Institute, a Massachusetts-based think tank, released a new study, “The Revenge of K-12: How Common Core and the New SAT Lower College Standards in the U.S.” to help parents, teachers, and policymakers understand…
Government Schools Harm Hispanics
Frequently, left-wing ideologues manage to harm the very people they claim they are aiding. “When your government and your school are constantly telling you that you’re a victim of a racist society who needs protection,…
Teacher’s Union Misses Millions
Apparently, some teacher’s union officials have taken too much public school math. “On a Saturday in May, members of the Michigan Education Association held a walk in Midland bringing attention to public school funding,” the…