Monthly Archives For February 2005

Charlotte Simmons Comes Out


Tom Wolfe’s latest novel, I am Charlotte Simmons, misses the top-down politically correct ambience in higher education today but catches some of the spiritual drift among collegians in his tale of college life, experts on the subject concluded.

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Crime of Thought at LeMoyne


The Thought Police have made an arrest at Le Moyne College. According to this article, Syracuse college student Scott McConnell, has been expelled from Le Moyne College over an essay he received an A- on. All because he touted a very untrendy view: corporal punishment in schools.

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Little Churchills


Americans were understandably upset to learn that University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill compared the victims who died in the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center to “Little Eichmans,” likening them to the infamous Nazi war criminal. These same Americans should know that there are a platoon of “Little Churchills” in colleges and universities throughout the United States.

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Wrestling with Title IX


For more than 30 years, Title IX of the Education Amendments has been heralded as the reason for the increase in the number of women’s athletic programs across the country and providing opportunities for women like Mia Hamm to compete on the college level.

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