Monthly Archives For July 2007

Comic Book Culture


In a day and age in which college standards have dropped so low that it is possible to graduate from a name university without having read a book, a course on “Comics and Culture” might seem apropos but that irony is lost on the creators of the Juniata College course.

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Politically Incorrect Literature


At a time when fewer and fewer English professors can actually answer questions about literature, college students in search of America’s literary tradition are more likely to find it in books such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to English and American Literature than they are, say, at the Modern Language Association annual convention.

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Trusting Ahmadinejad


Jed Babbin, editor for Human Events and former Undersecretary of Defense under George H. W. Bush, recently criticized the mainstream media for their unwillingness to highlight the growing threat of authoritarian leaders abroad.

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