Monthly Archives For September 2009

Exporting Oil and Ideology


An Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) Seminar was held September 10th, the eve of 9/11, dedicated to those that died that day. Sarah Stern, President of EMET, reminded attendees that, out of the fifteen terrorists involved in the attack, eleven were from Saudi Arabia. T

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Graceless ACLU


Last year, the Santa Rosa County School District made a deal with the devil, represented by the ACLU, that involved the school district entering into an agreement that prohibited prayer at all school-sponsored events, and an even broader agreement prohibiting all employees from engaging in prayer.

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Constitution Day Contempt Case


Tomorrow, Liberty Counsel will be in federal District Court in Pensacola representing the Principal of Pace High School, Frank Lay and Athletic Director Robert Freeman as they face criminal contempt charges for a prayer over a meal. Ironically, tomorrow is National Constitution Day.

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Ivory or Clay Tower?


Jane Shaw’s article, “The Ivory Tower: Crumbling From Within?” featured in the June 2009 edition of Perspective, shares the thoughts and ideas of famed entrepreneur and education maven Jeff Sandefer, as shared at an Atlas Economic Research Foundation forum where Sandefer was the keynote speaker.

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Decent folks across the nation have been continuously shocked by the exposes against abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood orchestrated by young pro-life champions such as Lila Rose.

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