Monthly Archives For November 2009

Health Care Hijacked


AJC: Increase health care costs; cut Medicare in half; undermine consumer choices and quality of care; and destroy federalism as we know it. These are all the effects that panelists at a recent Heritage Foundation meeting argue the current health care bills will produce if they pass.

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Maine Remembered, Sense Forgot


When most voters don’t win at the ballot box, they usually get over it the next day but make mental notes for the next election. Left-wing voters, particularly the academic variety that now may make up most of the breed, seem to need therapy, at least in print.

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Soros Funds Catholic Groups


George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund operator and well-known atheist, has been pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into “progressive” Catholic groups that are significant players in the national debates over health care and immigration.

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Barack My Science Mag


Do political leaders who alienate other nations increase the probability of a terrorist attack against their homeland? Recent research conducted by then- Princeton University professor Alan Krueger and Czech professor Jitka Malečková suggests that it does.

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