Did MIT let a distinguished black scientist go because of his opposition to embryonic stem cell research?
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Anti-Israel Trojan Horse
Ben Shapiro urges us to look beyond the self-identification offered by critics of Israel both within and outside the Ivory Tower.
Academics Footnote Liberals Exclusively
For those who doubt the far leftward tilt of college campuses, one needs to look no further than an article published in the University of Chicago’s Critical Inquiry to dispel such doubts.
Dana Priest in Denial
We actually found an American History teacher capable of critical thinking.
Geography Myths at Morehead
Geography 101: who cares where the country of Djibouti is; there is no liberal media bias.
Faith & the Faculty
Academics tend to be more religious than non-academics, an economist from MIT says, but he admitted that belief and unbelief may vary by department.
Grammar under Siege
Too many students are finding that it is hard to be truly multicultural and learn a second language when you have not been taught how to use your mother tongue.
Campus Blues
In a new study Daniel Flynn exposes what many conservatives already understand: the liberal political bias present on college campuses.
From the Catalogue
As an ongoing service to our readers who have not encountered them yet, we provide profiles of college professors whom students may want to avoid.
Ideology: A Mental Straight Jacket
Many widely respected ideologues willfully ignore reality in support of their agendas, the former executive director of Accuracy in Academia told the audience at a recent luncheon sponsored by Accuracy in Media.