Articles By: Bethany Stotts

Border Blues @ Georgetown


Speakers in the second panel a May forum co-sponsored by Georgetown Law School and the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) discussed what type of constitutional challenges that might be brought against Arizona’s law in a panel, “Is the Law Constitutional?”

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For Hire or Charter


In their interim report on a National Study of Charter Management Organization Effectiveness, Mathematica and the Center on Reinventing Public Education contrast charter management organizations (CMOs) with coexisting public school districts and explain how the leaders of the former have considerable latitude in terms of hiring, firing and other institutional practices.

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Czarist America


At Accuracy in Academia’s June 21 Author’s Night Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski discussed the premises of their book The Blueprint: Obama’s Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency.

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Raising Arizona


Earlier this month the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Board of Education requested that the district Superintendent integrate discussions of Arizona’s recently-passed laws on immigration and ethnic studies into the public school curriculum.

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Confirmation Messes: New


As Elena Kagan’s confirmation hearings opened today, Senators repeatedly reminded her about her previous criticisms of the vacuity of Supreme Court confirmation hearings and encouraged her to set a precedent for a more frank confirmation process.

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