Students who are in the mood for a change of pace during their current academic year might think about checking out one of the many bizarre and unusual classes currently being offered on our nation’s campuses.
Articles By: Deborah Lambert
Law School & The Murder Conviction
Normally, one might assume that mentioning a second-degree murder conviction on a student’s law school application might lessen one’s chances of getting accepted.
Academic Matrix of Domination
Dr. Walter Williams, a distinguished economics professor at George Mason University, noted recently that taxpayers have an imperfect understanding of the academic rot that exists at our nation’s colleges, adding that “what distinguishes one college from the other is the magnitude of that rot.”
Chartering Big Easy Schools
Scores in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina have jumped considerably at a time when the majority of the city’s public schools have become charter schools.
Higher Sex Ed
Our nation’s campuses are at a crossroads – and this time has less to do with the courses that are taught and more to do with the jumble of mixed messages that confront students.
Shrinking Academic Bloat
According to Derek Bok, a former president of Harvard, “universities share one characteristic with compulsive and exiled royalty; there is never enough money to satisfy their desires.”
Class Action Crusader Targets Catholic U
A recent decision by Catholic University president John Garvey to reinstate a single-sex dorm policy at the Washington, D.C. school apparently ruffled some feathers.
Back To The Future?
In the laissez-faire world of higher education comes a startling new way to address some of today’s most common problems among college students.
Turn Your ZZZZs Into As
At the University of California, Davis, one of the recommended ways to “boost your focus and productivity” is to take a nap.
Business School Slackers
If America is to retain its prestige in the rapidly expanding global economy, our business schools are going to have to get serious.