While Chicago’s West Side may be one of the nation’s most dangerous neighborhoods, a school has emerged as a beacon of hope in the area.
Articles By: larryscholer_48
A NEW Alternative to NOW
Karin Agness, a student at the University of Virginia, created the Network of Enlightened Women (NEW) to counter the radical feminist dogma offered by university organizations.
Dropouts Left Behind
Education experts ask whether No Child Left Behind is worth it.
Principal Prep
While teacher quality often is the focus of improving schools, the role of the principal cannot be overlooked, especially as a motivator for teachers.
California Crash Course
Labor unions typically control large urban school districts and often obstruct comprehensive reform.
Free Muslims March on Washington
While most students hear one view from the Middle Eastern Studies department on their college campuses, another is emerging albeit without the attention that most Middle Eastern Studies departments get.
Ivy League Ennui
Written as if in a weekend over spring break, Chloe Does Yale is a hot pink and boring fairy tale that chronicles the school days of an insecure coed who moonlights as a sex columnist for the college paper.
Mid East Miseducation
The attention in the Middle East has long centered on fixing hardware problems, such as building infrastructure and reforming systems of government. Attention to the manner in which youth are educated has been neglected.
An Embarrassment of Riches
Students at the nation’s top college and universities are overwhelmingly America’s wealthiest while low-income students face significant barriers in gaining admission, according to a new book.
Animal Farm House
A new initiative at Colgate has riled both students and alumni supporters of the Greek system.