If getting rich is your goal, steer clear of a conservative Protestant church. That’s the absurd conclusion of a study by Duke University professor Lisa Keister.
Articles By: Tony Perkins
Planned Parenthood Slush Fund
One of the biggest programs that pumps your taxes to Planned Parenthood is Title X of the Public Health Service Act which underwrites birth control clinics and helps to expand Planned Parenthood’s access to teenagers, whose patronage it needs by the hundreds of thousands.
Home Alone
California families received an alarming wake-up call last month with the decision of the Second District Court of Appeals to essentially declare home-schooling to be illegal in California.
The Audacity of Hope
A number of leading African-Americans are refusing to take recent exposure of Planned Parenthood’s racism sitting down.
Mental Health Crisis
What the campus Women’s Resource Center may not tell you about abortion.
Abstinence vs. Condom Culture
When public officials blame abstinence education for the rise in STDs among teenage girls, they ignore the instruction offered in three-quarters of American schools.
Homeschool Trial and Error
What started out as a simple child welfare case in California has resulted in the most sweeping rejection of homeschooling in state history.
Harvard Gets Islamic Workout
At Harvard University, the debate over religious tolerance is getting physical.
Racism of Planned Parenthood
Lila Rose, a pro-life student and reporter at UCLA, launched an undercover investigation aimed at exposing the racism of the nation’s largest abortion merchant. Students there are so infuriated by the investigation that they are petitioning the university to cut all affiliation with Planned Parenthood.
Adult Stem Cells Upgraded
Researchers at Northwestern University examined published reports of patient treatments with adult stem cells for autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases.