Book Reviews

Academic Rights Bill Wronged


One would think that with the evidence of academic bias stacking up more overwhelmingly by the decade that the higher education establishment would welcome any attempt to introduce a bit of intellectual diversity to their campuses, especially since they claim to be committed to same.

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What Would Buckley Do?


Two years after his death, William F. Buckley, Jr., the ultimate conservative man of letters, still has a lot to teach the young and the rightward. In turn, there is no better person to pass on these lessons than the man who has become the preeminent historian of the conservative movement—Lee Edwards.

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Republicans who decry academic biases against the Grand Old Party may, in turn, be suffering from misinformation about their own party’s political history, particularly when they lionize the ultimate “Big Government Conservative”—Teddy Roosevelt.

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Groundhog Day: The 60s


AJC: In his book, Framing the Sixties: The Use and Abuse of a Decade from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, Bernard von Bothmer, a professor of American history at the University of San Francisco and Dominican University of California, “examines the ways in which four presidents [Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush] used their own selective versions of the 1960s for political gain in the years from 1980 to 2004.”

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Little Hope No Change


AJC: In his latest book, Obamanomics: How Barack Obama is Bankrupting You and Enriching his Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses, journalist Tim Carney analyzes the influence that large business corporations have on the current presidential administration.

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