Casino Management Class Gets Gun Control Lecture

, Malcolm A. Kline, Leave a comment

Isn’t this a little outside the jurisdiction of most croupiers?

“Following the tragic shooting in Las Vegas, a professor at the University of New Hampshire suggested to her students that the U.S. should ban private ownership of firearms,” Kyle Perisic reported in Campus Reform. “When he walked into class on the evening of October 11, Josh Fox told Campus Reform that he expected there would be some type of discussion about the shooting in Las Vegas, given that the course is called ‘Casino Management’ and the shooter in Vegas unloaded his weapons from a casino hotel room.”

“Fox said he was nonetheless taken by surprise when Professor Valentini Kalargyrou showed a video about Australia’s gun laws, declaring after it ended that ‘maybe we follow Australia’s example. That would be great.’” Of course, she gave no indication that she would personally move down under in order to be governed by this “great” law.