Chicago Teachers’ Agenda

, Deborah Lambert, Leave a comment

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU)sees itself not only as a union powerhouse but also as a major force in the movement to transform America. And thanks to the watchful eye of columnist /commentator/publisher Kyle Olson at the Michigan-based Education Action Group, mainstream Americans can keep track of the CTU and other radical groups who are marching in lockstep with Obama and Company to transform America.

A recent National Review column noted that while radical CTU leader Karen Lewis was appearing at an Illinois “Salute to Labor’s Historic Heroes from the History Makers of Today, she even mentioned the possibility of “mob killings of wealthy Americans,” and prompted applause from the audience when she compared the current moment to the era of robber barons when “the labor leaders of that time . . . were ready to kill . . . They were seriously talking about that.”

The fact that these unionistas are attacking the rich and campaigning for a living wage while pulling in salaries of $70,000 or more with three months’ annual vacation may explain why they focus so much attention on “fighting for causes like the Occupy movement and gay marriage, which have nothing to do with education.”

As domestic terrorist-turned-professor Bill Ayers has acknowledged, “leftists have the power in our schools and classrooms, and they’re taking full advantage.”

“The Chicago Teachers Union is the tip of the spear in terms of ‘social justice unionism,’” says Olson, “It’s a union led by far-left radical activists who are determined to alter American society through our schools and children. Advocating for the interests of teachers is simply a means toward a larger and nastier goal.”

Deborah Lambert writes the Squeaky Chalk column for Accuracy in Academia.
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