From a press release by The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty:
After over a year of being kept off campus for its Christian beliefs, the student group Chi Alpha has finally been reinstated at the California State University Stanislaus campus. Chi Alpha, a Christian organization for college students, was kicked off campusat Stanislaus and ordered to change its policies at three other California State campuses after the California State University system adopted a new policy banning students in religious clubs from requiring their leaders to share their faith. As of Thursday, all four Chi Alpha chapters are back on campus.
“For religious students, groups like Chi Alpha are a place of refuge. It’s just common sense – and basic liberty – for religious groups to be led by students who share their faith,” said Adèle Auxier Keim, Legal Counsel of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.
Chi Alpha was founded in 1953 as a place where college students could gather to worship God, study scripture, and pray together. Its members give back to the community through programs like feedONE, which provides food for over 140,000 hungry children worldwide.