Protesters from the City University of New York protested tax cuts in a demonstration on Wall Street. The delicious irony is that in that locale they were more likely to demonstrate before supporters of Hillary Clinton than of Donald Trump. “Outside the New York Stock Exchange on today (Tues., Dec. 19), where the resources siphoned from the poor and middleclass [sic] by the Republican tax bill will be concentrated, 500 protesters filled the street chanting ‘Kill the Bill. Don’t Kill Us!,'” PSCCUNY reported. “More than 60 lay down for a die-in.”
“The die-in, organized by the PSC together with other unions, community groups and religious organizations, happened at the center of corporate profiteering on the day of the Congressional votes on the tax bill.” PSC stands for Professional Staff Congress, “the union that represents more than 27,000 faculty and staff at the City University of New York (CUNY) and the CUNY Research Foundation.”