The first 50 students who sign up for this year’s Conservative University will experience more than just two days of thought-provoking lectures and panels—they’ll also have the opportunity to be a part of the studio audience for CNN’s “Crossfire.”
Early registrants will be able to watch the show live from 4:30 to 5:00 pm on Friday, July 16—the first day of the CU conference. The program is broadcast from the Media and Public Affairs Building at the George Washington University.
“Crossfire,” the university says, is “the only national, live weekday show airing from a college campus.”
The long-running political talk show features veteran journalist Robert Novak.
Fifty CU students will attend the taping after participating in a day-long program of seminars held at Georgetown University. Kicking off with a panel on the war on terror featuring Preachers of Hate author Ken Timmerman, Friday’s programming will include lectures, question-and-answer sessions, and a student panel.
Renowned journalist M. Stanton Evans will conclude Friday’s main program with a discussion on Sen. Joseph McCarthy and his hearings to ferret out Communist spies and operatives from within the U.S. government.
After participating in the “Crossfire” audience, students will return to Georgetown for a Friday evening dinner.
On Saturday, speakers at CU will include historian Burt Folsom and author and activist Star Parker.
Early-bird and group rates are available, starting at just $49. To register or request further information on Conservative University, please call Accuracy in Academia at 1-800-787-0429 or e-mail