Graceless ACLU

, Tony Perkins, Leave a comment

Last year, the Santa Rosa County School District made a deal
with the devil, represented by the ACLU, that involved the school district
entering into an agreement that prohibited prayer at all school-sponsored
events, and an even broader agreement prohibiting all employees from
engaging in prayer.

Liberty Counsel had filed a motion to intervene on behalf of Christian
Educators Association International to challenge this unconstitutional
infringement on the rights of teachers, administrators, and students, but
before they could resolve the matter, a principal and athletic director in
the district offered a prayer before a meal at a luncheon to honor private
contributors to the athletic program, at which no students were present.
Immediately, the U.S. District Court initiated criminal contempt
proceedings and referred the two to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for
prosecution. The trial is set for September 17 and the two men face fines,
jail time, and loss of their retirement benefits for PRAYING BEFORE A

Yesterday, the bipartisan Congressional Prayer Caucus, led by
Representative Randy Forbes (R-Va.), sent a letter of support
for the two men and went to the House floor last night to speak of the
outrage. The other side apparently understands the power of prayer better
than many Christians. That’s why they continually seek to publicly disarm
Christians of the strongest tool that we have. So please continue to pray
for all involved in this injustice.

Tony Perkins heads the Family Research Council. This article is excerpted from the Washington Update that he compiles for the FRC.