Is Obama’s America Yours?

, Spencer Irvine, Leave a comment

Dinesh D’Souza ‘s book Obama’s America attacks the questions that most Americans, especially conservatives, are wondering about, namely, what makes Barack Hussein Obama tick? Why is he declaring a“soft” war on American capitalism and successful way of life? What inspired Barack Hussein Obama to become the man he is today? The author more than adequately answers these and other questions.

D’Souza’s analysis is well-detailed, methodical, and in the end, a jarring perspective that should worry all Americans in the upcoming elections this November. The author didn’t just sit in a room and think of anti-Obama conspiracy theories; he actually went to visit Obama’s relatives and those who knew him, his parents, and those who knew his mentors and father figures like Billy Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis. The picture he paints is far from flattering, and it is sad to note that many Americans, liberals and conservatives alike, still do not know the true Barack Obama.

D’Souza feels pity for the man, whose parents effectively abandoned him, desperately trying to find father figures to send him on the right path. But, this situation ultimately created a committed and virulent anti-American, who is now playing the “role of a lifetime” in deceiving the American public about his true anti-colonialist views. His hidden views and perceptions about America aren’t even known to his most avid supporters. Bill Keller, titled a piece on Obama as “Fill in the Blanks” while others lament the disconnect between him and his supporters. Obama’s ideology, whether anti-colonialist or anti-neocolonialist, will destroy the American dream and way of life that immigrants such as D’Souza or citizens like myself strive for. He doesn’t help his ideological “sellout” half-brothers like George or Mark, who have accepted the Western way of life. Obama does not visit his relatives in Kenya and neither does he help fund the impoverished Kenyan schools he had once promised to help financially as an Illinois senator.

Anti-colonialists like him see America as a greedy colonial power that should redistribute its wealth to others, and in the process level the playing field. Why is Obama restricting the Keystone Pipeline and other domestic oil-drilling efforts, while funding Brazilian and Colombian oil drilling efforts with American taxpayer dollars? It’s all a ploy to redistribute America’s wealth and build other nations up, all in the name of anti-colonialism. These are only some of the concerns that D’Souza addresses in his ground-breaking book and movie, 2016.

Spencer Irvine is a research assistant at Accuracy in Academia.

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