Today’s college grads have a tough road ahead, and at least one jobless grad has decided to place the blame exactly where she thinks it belongs.
Her school.
After a fruitless three-month job search, Trina Thompson has sued her alma mater, Monroe College, a business-oriented school in the Bronx, saying she wants her $70,000 in tuition back, because she hasn’t gotten a job yet.
In a recent N.Y. Post story, reporter Kathianne Boniello noted that the 27-year-old graduate who lives with her substitute-teacher mother, says that if things don’t improve, “we’re going to be homeless, and we’ll still have a student loan to pay.”
“The information technology student blames Monroe’s Office of Career Advancement for not providing her with the leads and career advice it promised,” but a spokesman for the school, Gary Axelbank, said “the college prides itself on the excellent career development support that we provide to each of our students, and this case does not warrant further consideration.”
Deborah Lambert writes the Squeaky Chalk column for Accuracy in Academia.