While Barack Obama’s image as America’s “gay president” is still settling in the public mind, another image came hurtling into view – that of Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, the person in charge of more than 49 million public school kids, expressing his full support for same sex marriage as well.
“If he had said homosexuality is immoral, there would have been demands for his ouster,” according to Star Parker, author and head of CURE (Center for Urban Renewal and Education).
“It’s not trivial that Duncan, the man who oversees this massive enterprise molding the minds of our nation’s youth, publicly rejects the traditional definition of marriage in favor of one saying it just takes two (so far) warm bodies of any gender combination.”
Parker notes that the president’s statement that his decision is based on fairness, is wrong. Actually, it’s unfairness.
Her rationale is that while one court decision after another has “purged religious expression from our public spaces, we have unfairly suppressed traditional values in favor of promoting alternative secular views.”
Today, prayer and the Ten Commandments have been overtaken by the heavy hand of government, dictating what can be taught – or even mentioned – in public schools.
A perfect example is the fact that California has mandated that “gay history” must be taught its public school system. One can only imagine the uproar if the state had decided to teach Christian history.
But Secretary Duncan is not alone in his support for alternative lifestyles. Randi Weingarten, president of the nation’s second largest teachers union, the American Federation of Teachers, lives in an open lesbian relationship in New York City.
As it happens, according to the New York Post, Weingarten’s partner is none other than Hilary Rosen, a CNN commentator, Huffington Post contributor and frequent visitor to the Obama White House. Rosen made headlines this Spring when she alleged that Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life.”
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Deborah Lambert writes the Squeaky Chalk column for Accuracy in Academia.
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