Northwestern Professor Shouted Down by Activists at Wellesley

, Spencer Irvine, 1 Comment

Another free-thinker shouted down at a college campus; this time, it was at the liberal arts college Wellesley and it was Northwestern University’s Laura Kipnis who was the focus of the protesters’ ire:

Nearly two years after she beat a Title IX investigation stemming from her essay on “sexual paranoia” on campus, Northwestern University Prof. Laura Kipnis got a rude welcome to Wellesley College.

Campus sexual-assault activists published a video denouncing Kipnis on Wednesday, just an hour prior to her lecture to a Wellesley group that promotes intellectual diversity.

Shutting Down Bulls**t with SAAFE” goes after the “white feminism” of Kipnis, who wrote a second essay in The Chronicle of Higher Education about her “Title IX inquisition.”