So don’t try to mix a Bloody Mary. “In an important, decisive action to enhance health and safety in fraternity communities, the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) recently adopted a Standard prohibiting hard alcohol from fraternity chapter facilities and events,” Heather Kirk, the chief communications officer for NIC writes. “At its Aug. 27 Annual Meeting in a near unanimous vote of its 66 inter/national fraternities, the Conference determined that each organization will implement the new Standard by Sept. 1, 2019, across their more than 6,100 chapters on 800 campuses.”
So, new frat brothers may not fall prey to “Samovar hangovars,” from a notoriously low-budget vodka. I am reminded of a former frat brother from UVA who once announced to me, “Would you believe I had a full-scale, professional bar in my room?” I did believe it.