Recent Articles

A for Exceptable

, Malcolm A. Kline

College administrators are scratching their heads trying to figure our how the straight-A students they accepted tanked on the SATs.

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9-11 in the Classroom

, Lindalyn Kakadelis

On Monday, classrooms across the nation remembered the 9/11 attacks in heartfelt ways. As time passes, however, more students will turn to written record to replace personal experience. That means getting the facts straight is of paramount importance. After all, history plays a pivotal role in shaping beliefs – about civic duty, culture, and patriotism.

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Brave New World at JHU

, Malcolm A. Kline

Johns Hopkins is mostly known as a staid old Baltimore institution famous for the breakthroughs of its medical researchers but the university’s alumni magazine shows a campus that is more new age than old guard.

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Recent Articles

What Black History Misses

, Malcolm A. Kline

We have a plethora of black history courses in primary, secondary and post-secondary institutions of learning throughout the United States. Yet and still, there are indications that quantity does not necessarily equal quality. “As the…

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EPA Regulates Without Science

, Malcolm A. Kline

When academic studies back up Obama Administration policies, you will never hear the end of them. When they don’t, you will never hear the beginning of them. Take, for example, the recent study by Johns…

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