Recent Articles

Academically Churchillian

, Matthew Murphy

“Teachers for a Democratic Society,” as they call themselves, are professors from across the country trying to defend Ward Churchill, now that the University of Colorado has fired him.

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How to Spend on Education

, Star Parker

The National Education Association wasted no time to use a recent study to affirm the unqualified success of the public-school system and to use it as ammo to further load up in its endless and tireless attack on vouchers and school choice. But there are many things the study doesn’t say, according to Star Parker.

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Glimmer of Hope

, Julia A. Seymour

This past Wednesday, when I attended Students for Saving Social Security’s event on Social Security reform with roughly 300 other young people, I was overcome by an unusual Washington, D.C. emotion—hope.

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Queering the Kids

, Don Irvine

In an effort to stop childhood bullying, Britain’s National Union of Teachers (NUT) wants to begin classes for three years olds about same-sex relationship.

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The Truman Legacy

, Katherine Duncan

Though it has been a long 53 years since former President Harry S. Truman was in office, he was the hot topic of conversation at The Hudson Institute on Monday, July 17, where a panel discussed his legacy and influence on current policies.

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Deconstructing Derrida

, Malcolm A. Kline

As readers of this space know, we frequently subject academics to what we view as constructive criticism. As travelers through the blogosphere may have noticed, they sometimes answer those critiques.

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Sovereignty School

, Matthew Murphy

This year though, there is a new book that politics majors, particularly world politics majors, should read. The book is called Redefining Sovereignty.

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Recent Articles

The Left Protests Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

Opposition to the Common Core education reforms embraced by the Obama Administration is growing, and not just on the political right. The latest issue of the decidedly left-wing journal Rethinking Schools carries two items on…

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