Recent Articles

Critical Thinking Meltdown

, Bob Parks

Colleges celebrate the notion that their campuses are a forum for the free expression of ideas. Now while that be a noble goal, from all appearances, that seems to be far from reality today.

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School Stops Presses

, Matthew Olav Messerschmidt and Tyler Whitney

A Michigan high school forbids conservative students from distributing a newspaper. Two of the students tell their story.

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Diversity Deconstructed

, Malcolm A. Kline

Texas A & M is something of a novelty in academia. The university’s president, Robert M. Gates, is one of the rare retired cabinet officials from a Republican presidential administration to hold a decisive academic position.

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The CTA Goes Radioactive

, Xiaochin Claire Yan

The 335,000-member California Teachers Association, the state’s most powerful union, is airing radio spots claiming that Governor Schwarzenegger wants to “stiff our kids for $2 billion every year!” Does he?

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Take that Spain!

, Don Irvine

Irvine Valley College and Saddleback College in southern California have decided to end their 14 year old study abroad program in Spain.

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Baltimore Community College Bias

, Sarah Matthews

I have gone to The Community College of Baltimore County in Maryland for a few years now. During this time I have taken many different types of classes to fulfill requirements, most of them in which I came up against leftist propaganda.

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Whose History?

, Larry Scholer

A recent lecture at Bowdoin College has roiled the Maine campus. On February 22 the Bowdoin College Republicans hosted Vernon Robinson, a North Carolina conservative activist and former candidate for the House of Representatives.

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Recent Articles

Alive & Tribal

, Accuracy in Academia

“Tribalism in the Middle East is not only alive and kicking, it is alive and killing.”
—Dr. Mordechai Kedar, professor of Arabic at Bar Ilan University, in a forum on Capitol Hill sponsored by the Endowment for Middle East Truth.

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, Accuracy in Academia

“It’s alarming to me that most [Das]Capital-quoters I have encountered are white men.”
—Andrew Seal, Ph.D. candidate in American Studies at Yale. (The Chronicle Review, B16, November 22, 2013.

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Is Cornell in America?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Public schools used to assign “What my country means to me” as an essay topic. One wonders what one would get from such an exercise if it were given to Cornell undergrads who got a chance to take the full panoply of courses available there under the heading, American Studies.

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Burying History @ Cornell

, Malcolm A. Kline

Currently academics debate whether they should be “sages on the stage” or “guides on the side.” It never occurs to them that they might not be very good in either role.

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