The U. S. government is finding it easier to find visitors to the United States traveling fraudulently on student visas.
Recent Articles
Fahrenheit 7-11
As millions line up to see “Fahrenheit 9/11” in large metropolitan areas, a small but growing number of reviewers are questioning the so-called documentary’s accuracy.
An Education from A to Z
In an effort to revive their atrophied brain cells before the swiftly approaching fall semester, college students turn to two experts from the world of publishing and academia for a belated summer reading list.
Bankrupt Myth of the Robber Barons
History shows that independent entrepreneurs routinely outperform their government-subsidized counterparts, says Dr. Burt Folsom, but historical examples of this principle are frequently excluded from today’s textbooks.
Parting The Ivory Curtain
Mike S. Adams is a conservative—not a shocking thing in and of itself, until one realizes that Adams is also a college professor.
Academia’s One-Way Revolving Door
Academics are still in a state of denial about the overwhelming dominance of liberal Democrats in higher education, despite the presence on many campuses of many once-high-profile partisans.
BLT: Bucknell’s Leftward Tilt
Conservative students shouldn’t be afraid of being seen as novelties, says Charles Mitchell, president of the Bucknell University Conservatives Club. “If you’re an out-of-the-closet conservative on campus, you’re most likely a novelty anyway.”
Affirmatively Addled
To elevate racial sensitivity, some colleges have come up with a game for resident assistants called “the privilege walk.”
A Primer in Education Waste
Although federal spending on education has more than quadrupled over the past 40 years, standardized test scores have stagnated or even declined, notes a Cato Institute scholar.
A Different Look At Women’s Studies
When the panelists on Accuracy in Academia’s summer conference panel on “women’s studies” took a shot at answering the question, “What do women want?,” they gave answers that few college professors would give an “A” to.
Recent Articles
No Criticism Left Behind
Left and right might actually agree more often if the former too the time to understand the latter.
College Degree Loses Value
No longer is the traditional four-year college experience vital to ensure a successful life for graduates, at least in Texas.
A Really Endangered Species
“Republicans appear to be a scarce commodity among the attorneys who work at the Department of Education. So scarce, in fact, that there aren’t any.” —Nathanial Harden, Phi Beta Cons, NROnline.
Journalism: The Worst Investment
A new study by of various college majors shows that among four-year degree programs, journalism is dead last when it comes to return on investment.
Islands of Intolerance
“Campuses: Islands of intolerance in a sea of freedom.” –Christina Hoff Sommers
Wife Beating is legal under Islamic Law?
Egyptian human rights activist Cynthia Farahat is an associate fellow at the Middle East Forum. The author of a political novel entitled Cognac, she has testified before Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the House…
America Betrayed By Elites
When you compare meticulously researched commercial histories with the extended blogs that pass for academic ones, you come to a startling revelation: Just about everything we’ve been taught about our history is wrong.
Women in Afghanistan
Living in a country where women lawyers, doctors, and CEOs are ubiquitous, Americans often take advantage of the many opportunities granted by freedom.
Where Food Comes From
Though likely unbeknownst to many, much of the food sold in grocery stores today has been genetically altered.
What’s a Trigger-word Citizen to do?
What difference, at this point, do any of the recent scandals make? What ties them all together?