In Professor Winsome Jackson’s comparative government class at Sierra College, students received 20 bonus points for attending a play not exactly known for its geopolitical insights.
Recent Articles
Another Mad March
While many of their peers were watching the NCAA Tournament, California professors mobilized their students to demonstrate against the governor’s proposed budget.
Ad Hominem Academic
A professor calls Republicans “fascists” on his personal website but with his university linked to it, he opens up questions of whether academic liberty is at stake or pedagogical license has gone haywire
Jihad Math
When the United States government subsidizes Islamic schools abroad, it may be feeding with a hand that gets bitten.
Golfing for Columbine?
When a golf hat worn by an Ohio high school senior ended up getting him expelled, Michael Moore did not rush to his side.
Academic Hate Crime Hoax
A California professor who claimed to have been the victim of a “hate crime” was placed on paid leave last month after police determined that she herself had been the perpetrator.
Tutu Castigates U.S. and Israel in AU Speech
In a speech at American University, Archbishop Desmond Tutu likens the current Israeli government to his country’s former apartheid regime.
The Classics on Campus: Looking for William Shakespeare
Mention the classics on college campuses today and you are lucky if you get references to Coca-Cola or cars—and that’s in the faculty lounges and administration offices.
Banished Barbie
In a curious approach to mathematical education, a seventh-grade teacher in Michigan has students measure Barbie’s waist and bust and compare her proportions to their own.
UNC Student Gets Hate Mail, from Professor
A North Carolina student discovers that his literature class is a free and open forum, with one minor caveat: politically incorrect speech is forbidden.
Recent Articles
Deconstructing The Constitution
The U.S. Constitution gets the Rodney Dangerfield treatment (“no respect”) in academia probably more than anywhere else.
Giving back
George Washington University School of Business Hosts 3rd Annual “Business Gives Back” on April 20. What did they take?
Feminism’s All Or Nothing
With women making up more than half of the student body in American colleges and universities, feminists want—the other half.
Wallowing In Crimson Irony
At a time of record public deficits, personal bankruptcies and business failures at home, not to mention fatal U. S. embassy attacks abroad, only an academic could believe we are being well-governed.
The Fix Is In
President Obama may have spoken warmly about charter schools but don’t expect his administration to do anything to aid them anytime soon.
Disabling Definitions
A Wharton School economist went a long way towards diagnosing the causes of the explosion in federal disability insurance costs but couldn’t quite bring himself to go the distance.
Third Way of Parenting
A professor from a Lutheran college offers an interpretation of the crises affecting American families that is not frequently heard: Children need both parents.
Sociologist Diagnoses President Obama
An African-American sociologist recently offered a diagnosis of America’s first African-American president.
Social Justice Classic
“Social Justice” is a term widely evoked, especially academically, but seldom examined.
A Two-Fer
“It pollutes our discourse with self-congratulation and self-flagellation at the same time.”—Bill McClay of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga on “social justice” as currently defined.