Recent Articles

Politically Incorrect Reading

, Brendan Conway

Decades of teaching in colleges and universities and exposure to alleged history textbooks such as the California-approved Rereading America led Dr. George Zilbergeld to compose his own textbook, audaciously entitled A Reader for the Politically Incorrect.

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Policing The Language

, Anna M. Frederick

In her book The Language Police, Diane Ravitch opens our eyes to the world behind school textbooks, a world ruled by censorship and dictated by the demands of interest groups.

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Games Counselors Play

, Malcolm A. Kline

With so much school time given over to counseling rather than education, we thought that we would take a look at one of the games that counselors play, literally.

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Recent Articles

High Rolling on Hudson

, Malcolm A. Kline

St. John’s University President “describes himself as a ‘Brooklyn guy,’ suggesting a naivete about the high-rolling lives of Saudi princes and other money men who have given prolifically to St. John’s over the years.”~Chronicle of…

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Getting Less For More

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academia has to be the one sector in American life over the past half century in which the portions have become diluted while the costs have gone through the roof.

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Following Money: NYU Scandal

, Accuracy in Academia

“The central but by no means sole figure in this scandal is Jacob J. Lew, the Obama administration’s new Treasury secretary, who worked at N.Y.U. in the early 2000s for a salary that eventually reached $900,000, larger even than Dr. Sexton’s at the time.”—NYU Sociologist Jeff Goodwin

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Bad As It Gets

, Malcolm A. Kline

Author M. Stanton Evans got an early lesson in his law of inadequate paranoia: “No matter how bad you think things are, when you look into them you find that they are a lot worse.”

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Academic Needs Conservative Education

, Malcolm A. Kline

When academics attempt to understand conservatism, they prove the wisdom of that old adage: Never let college interfere with your education. “Contemporary conservatism is based around one simple myth: those at the top deserve to…

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Another Bubble: Law Schools

, Malcolm A. Kline

Apparently, we’re living in the age of bubbles—housing, financial, etc. The only thing they don’t have is their own reality show. The next one is about to burst all over the legal profession.

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