Right now, leaders from around the world are meeting in Copenhagen for the United Nations Climate Summit to discuss how to solve this pesky problem of rising global temperatures. Self-proclaimed leading skeptic of global warming Senator James Inhofe (R-Ok) will join them next week to voice his dissent on this great hoax of global warming. Sen. Inhofe addressed this issue at the December 8th Heritage Foundation Blogger’s Briefing.
After the ClimateGate emails came to light, Sen. Inhofe called it his “redemption.” Climate change scientists, as revealed by those emails, have long been cooking the science to show dubious warming trends, argued Sen. Inhofe. He accused them of cooking data and spouting these untruths because “when you don’t have science, when you don’t have truth, then all you can do is call names.”
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been looked to as the ultimate source for this climate change science. “The IPCC, which is the United Nations” should be thoroughly investigated to expose any fraud and misinformation, said Sen. Inhofe. “Most of the bad stuff that comes to this country comes from the United Nations and this is no exception,” he exclaimed. “They are the ones that started this whole thing,” he said referring to the current trend in climate change alarmism.
“The UN has come out and said they will conduct an investigation,” said Sen. Inhofe, but since “the UN is not going to be objective in investigating the UN,” he made it clear that there must be an independent investigation. “There is nothing that infuriates the United Nations more than to know that they have to be accountable to somebody.”
Sen. Inhofe has worked with the United Nations for quite a long time and has had reason for concern before. He said that he has “been so concerned about sovereignty in America; that [Americans] have a mentality that if it is not multinational, it is not good.”
In Great Britain, the home of the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU), the UK Met Office—which provides weather and climate change forecasts for the UK and worldwide—is reevaluating all of their science over the last 150 years. “The UK is now redoing their science,” Sen. Inhofe observed, adding that the media there have been “much more responsible than they are here.”
Sarah Carlsruh is an intern at the American Journalism Center, a training program run by Accuracy in Media and Accuracy in Academia.