A noted author who spent the first 30 years of her life living under Shariah law in the Middle East takes a dim view of the manner in which one of the largest school systems in the country—namely California’s—explains it to students. “I am shocked that that is what they teach,” author Nonie Darwish said on Take AIM, Accuracy in Media’s internet radio program. “Women had more rights in Arabia before Shariah.”
“Slavery is in the Shariah books.” Darwish is the author of Cruel And Usual Punishment: The terrifying implications of Islamic Law.
“Shariah did not come with Mohammed,” said Darwish, who grew up a Muslim. “They used it to control the people.”
“Wife beating is allowed under Shariah,” Darwish pointed out.
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Malcolm A. Kline is the executive director of Accuracy in Academia.