The controversy surrounding a statue of Leonard Peltier, who was convicted of killing two FBI agents, led to American University removing the statue from its place at American University (located in Washington, D.C.). From an e-mail…
Topic: cop killer
American University in DC Promotes Statue to Grant Clemency for Cop Killer Leonard Peltier
UPDATE: The American University communications team informed us that it isn’t a campaign for Peltier’s release: We noticed that your outlet ran a story about the statue of Leonard Peltier currently on display at American University….
Marquette Fires Official who put up Mural to Cop Killer
As the College Fix reported: “Some things are too much even for progressive Jesuits to tolerate. One of those things is a school-sponsored mural honoring a convicted cop killer.” “Marquette University has canned the director…
Marquette, a Catholic University, Takes Down Homage to Cop Killer
Lame excuse, as well. The Catholic university said that the display to cop killer Assata Shakur was in a remote building, so no big deal.
Cal-Berkeley Black Students want to Name a Building after a Cop Killer
Uh, apparently being in exile in Cuba and on the FBI’s Most Wanted List still doesn’t deter admirers of Assata Shakur i.e. Joann Chesimard at Cal-Berkeley.
Cop Killer was a Pothead
John Avlon’s dishonest column on the cop-killers in Las Vegas should be studied by journalism students as an example of how to exploit a tragedy for political purposes. It is a shame he gets on…