The Coronavirus upended the education system in the United States, forcing teachers and students to adopt a virtual method of instruction. As time has passed, parents have become frustrated at the continued lack of in-person…
Topic: ESAs
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush will bring his legendary low energy to the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), ostensibly to promote Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) but we wouldn’t be against him giving a shout out, or the Bush family equivalent of one, to Common Core.
School Choice Rally at Texas State Capitol Pushed for Better Education
From Reason: Texas has a reputation as a business-friendly state that favors the free market and consumer choice over heavy government regulation. But when it comes to education reform and school choice, they’re actually behind…
A Guide to Fight for School Choice
The Institute for Justice (IJ) and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) issued a jointly-published guide on how lawmakers and activists can push for more school choice in their home states. In their second edition…
School Choice Round-Up
There is good news and bad from the states on school choice, as compiled by the Heartland Institute in its School Reform News. First, the bad news: “A Minnesota family choosing to educate their child…
Education Savings Account is a Winning Issue
School choice is a hot-button issue for local school districts, parents and students. Glenn Delk’s op-ed in The American Spectator asked, why aren’t the GOP presidential candidates joining the fray and supporting education savings accounts…
Win for School Choice In Nevada!
Now Nevada parents and their children will benefit from the recently-passed education savings accounts. Yes!
Education Savings Accounts and Scholarships Matter
The Platte Institute, a non-profit research think tank based in Nebraska, released a report on how to better cater to America’s education needs. Their idea? Use education savings accounts, known as ESAs, or private scholarships…
Michelle Rhee’s Policies Still Linger
When she served as chancellor of Washington, D.C.’s public schools, Michelle Rhee’s policies provoked scorn from Capital City teachers, to put it mildly. Long gone from the D.C. scene, Rhee’s approach is still benefitting D.C….