The irony: America’s bureaucratic largesse as well as its erosion of property rights and rule of law are affecting the country’s Human Freedom Index, while Hong Kong remained the top-ranked entity due to more free-market ideas.
Topic: Fraser Institute
Global Warming on the Rocks
When it comes to evidence of global warming, who are you going to believe, your professors or the facts? “While it is common these days for politicians, journalists, and other observers to say the climate…
U.S. is Losing Economic Freedom
The Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank, released its annual index of economic freedom for the year 2013, using data from the year 2011. The results are not encouraging for Americans. The U.S., which ranked…
Oh Canada!
American elites are quick to praise our northern neighbor when it applies more strict governmental controls than we do. Their silence is noteworthy, though, whenever Canada privatizes. In Canada, as in the U.S., parents are…