AIA’s last update about the left-wing teachers’ union American Federation of Teachers (AFT) was about their partisan conference in Washington, D.C. This week, our update is their latest press release about the ongoing impeachment inquiry…
Topic: impeachment
What happened to Trump’s military aid to Ukraine?
With the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, questions arose whether the Trump administration did enough to deter a Russian invasion into Ukraine by sending lethal aid. Compared to the previous Obama administration, the Trump…
University student president faces impeachment over Donald Trump Jr. speech
A student body president at the University of Florida faces impeachment proceedings because he invited Donald Trump, Jr. to speak to the university’s students about his recent book, “TRIGGERED.”
Impeachment Course at Harvard to be Taught by Anti-Trump Professor, Requires CV
Laurence Tribe, an anti-Trump professor at Harvard, will be teaching a course on impeachment in the Trump era and it requires a CV in order to be one of the dozen students in the course.
Student Leader at NC State Threatened with Impeachment after Disagreeing with Guest Speaker
Harrison Jenkins’ personal political views were supposedly used in the pre-impeachment process, where impeachment did not occur after all the hearings and hoopla.
USC Student Senator has Stipend Withheld due to Conservative Views
From Campus Reform: The University of Southern California student senate has decided to allow one of their colleagues to remain in office, but is confiscating the remainder of his stipend as punishment for expressing his…
Dear House GOP: Don’t Sue Obama
House Speaker John Boehner’s idea to sue the president gained steam last week as the House passed, largely along party lines, a resolution authorizing a suit charging the president with failing to uphold his constitutional…