When college and university representatives urge you to get an advanced degree, you may want to get a second opinion.
Topic: James G. Martin Center
Defending Western Books and Canon
The James G. Martin Center ran a piece on defending Western civilization by ensuring that Western intellectuals and their books are taught in higher education.
Tribal Politics Turns Us Against Science and Ourselves
Is there a war on science? One writer thinks so, thanks to the current campus culture wars.
Free Speech is More Threatened Than Ever
Freedom of speech is threatened and the best method to protect it is to sanction (i.e. punish) those who oppose freedom of speech on college campuses.
Colleges Reject Common Humanity, Focus on Group Warfare
Colleges are dividing its students and imposing the idea that humanity is better off knowing what makes them different, to the point that it stokes racial tensions.
Law School Needs More Political Ideological Balance
Law schools have fewer conservatives and libertarians among their faculty than the U.S. Supreme Court, writes Jonathan Adler.
Colleges Try to Get Rid of Inconvenient Professors
Our friend George Leef wrote an insightful piece on how some college professors are working against their own in the name of political correctness and feminism: Consider Professor Dennis Gouws of Springfield College in Massachusetts….
College Bias Response Teams Chill Free Speech
Our friend George Leef discussed how many people heard of disruptive protests at Middlebury College, but not about campus bias response teams suppressing free speech in the name of tolerance and avoiding offending college students:…
Common Core is Damaging American Student Readiness for College
Joy Pullmann at the James G. Martin Center outlined why Common Core is hurting American students’ readiness for a college career: Unfortunately, in the era of Common Core, the main educational emphasis is “career-readiness.” It…
Students Still Need Econ 101 Classes
A great piece from the James G. Martin Center on why, more than ever, college students need economics 101 courses: In an article published recently in the Atlantic, “The Curse of Econ 101,” University of Connecticut law…