Teachers’ unions and entrenched education bureaucratic interests do not take criticism well, especially when conservative, free-market and school-choice supporters correctly point out public education’s flaws. The public pressure against school choice and charter school supporters…
Topic: Larry Arnn
Liberals worried about Hillsdale College’s alleged influence in Florida
You name it: The liberal media despises conservatives and Republicans (not in a specific order) and have made a mission out of going after Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and any conservative figure. This time,…
Tennessee teachers upset over conservative’s remarks about teachers
It is no secret that left-wing teachers’ unions and activists harbor ill will toward conservative, free-market and pro-charter school figures. The Tennessee Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (TACTE) blasted Republican Gov. Bill Lee for…
Hillsdale President Visits CPAC, Gives Millennials a Primer on Taxation
College students who trekked to this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) got a civics lesson they were probably unaccustomed to receiving, unless they go to Hillsdale. “Do you know that we make about twenty…