The professor has donated at least $4,000 to pro-Obama and pro-Hillary Clinton causes over the years, so her coverage of the 2016 presidential cycle will probably be biased.
Topic: liberals
No Safe Space for Conservatives!
We are truly in an age where who you know is more important than what you know. “The feminist scholars are academically weak but politically well-connected,” Christina Hoff Sommers, who maintains the Factual Feminist blog,…
Liberal Bias Remains on College Campuses: An Infographic
Here’s what we found in our research on liberal professors (Click to enlarge the image):
University of Wisconsin wants to Teach Students how to become a Thief
Yes, this is a real symposium focusing on advancing radical liberal and socialist agenda like a “thief”: “The symposium, which will also be transmitted to a wider audience via Google Hangout, is described as a…
2015’s Commencement Speakers are More Liberal, Outnumber Conservatives 6 to 1
The survey, conducted by the Young America’s Foundation (YAF), found that liberals again outnumber conservatives (but by a 6:1 ratio) in speaking to graduating college students. So very one-sided.
Why The Left Must Destroy Ben Carson
Black conservative Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is everything Barack Obama is not. That’s why he has to be destroyed. In a desperate move, The Washington Post ran a more than 2,500-word article on Sunday…
College Republicans Called Obscenities for Defending Scott Walker
Stay classy, liberals, stay classy. Or not. But, throwing names around and using obscenities does not reinforce your position. Still, it shows how reviled Scott Walker, the current Wisconsin GOP governor, is by the leftists…
UNC Student Paper Blasts Campus for not being Liberal Enough
This isn’t a joke. Apparently, liberals are blasting liberals for not being radical enough.
Liberals Support Citizens United
Liberals do not understand that the Citizens United v FEC Supreme Court decision is actually a good for free speech and the First Amendment, visiting liberals at the Cato Institute said. Citizens United allowed a…
The Constitutional Case for Gridlock
The Pew Research Center published its latest survey of partisanship in American politics this past week–and with it issued another of its regular warnings about the consequences of our contemporary political polarization. The report begins with the…