More than a quarter of a century ago, the late great sage Russel Kirk made a stunningly prescient analysis of the woes of academe in the United States that university presidents would be well advised to revisit.
Topic: Russell Kirk
Academics Offer Defecated Rationality, Sage Said
Two things are interesting when one rereads the great Russell Kirk, author of the seminal The Conservative Mind, which proved that conservatives had one: (1.) how comments he made nearly half a century ago remain current; and (2.) the startling degree to which the observations of middle-aged Russell Kirk resemble those of young Martin Luther King.
Academic Freedom, Conservatively Speaking
Believe it or not, it is possible to make a conservative case for academic freedom without mixing opposites. In fact, one of the conservative movement’s sages, Russell Kirk, made the case quite eloquently more than…
RIP Wesley McDonald, scholar on Russell Kirk and Conservatism
Wesley McDonald 1946 – 2014 Wesley McDonald, a professor of Political Science at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, an author, and a leading authority on the scholar, Russell Kirk, died on September 9 at John Hopkins…
AIA Remembers Wesley McDonald, a Good Friend
Accuracy in Academia lost a great friend with the Passing of Wes McDonald. We reviewed his fine book on a great man back in 2004: Because we can frequently find answers to present problems…