A great piece by the Powerline blog on the Left’s fascination and disgust for Wisconsin governor and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Scott Walker. It’s worth a read.
Topic: Scott Walker
Wisconsin Professor Claims Scott Walker Shares “Terrifying” Similarities with Adolf Hitler
If a sociology professor said this about Barack Obama or any Democrat, you would hear more outrage from the liberal media and academia. But no comment from them because it’s comparing Republican Scott Walker to…
Scott Walker may consider Online Classes to Finish His College Degree while in the White House
What a neat thing to happen, if he does make it into the White House after the 2016 elections. He could be the first president to earn a college degree through an online course. Hat tip…
Scott Walker Strikes Again and Again
Like dentists, government officials know they’ve hit a raw nerve when cavities respond. “Bad news always seems to drop on Fridays,” Dave Vanness, an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, wrote on a…
Scott Walker Strikes Again
For a quarter of a century, Republican presidential candidates have uttered variations of George H. W. Bush’s high pitched pledge: “I want to be the education president.” It has gotten them exactly nowhere. So far,…
Wisconsin College Student says Wisconsin has to Stop Anti-Walker Efforts
As The College Fix reported: “Tayler Studinski is fed up.” “The 19-year-old University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point sophomore has silently watched as peers elected to represent her campus denounce Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed University of Wisconsin budget…
Scott Walker Leads GOP on Education
Whatever his merits or demerits, the actual front-runner for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination continues to show how Republican candidates, at least on education, can lead on, rather than be overwhelmed by, issues. “Wisconsin Gov….
Univ. of Wisconsin Student Papers: Negative Scott Walker Op-Eds outnumber Positive Ones by 3-to-1 Ratio
The College Fix did a count of op-eds in the University of Wisconsin newspapers and found out that there was a 3-to-1 ratio of negative op-eds of Governor Scott Walker than positive ones.
Scott Walker Creates Mainstream Education Reform
Although frequently branded as far-Right, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s proposals, at least on the education front, are surprisingly middle-of-the-road, or at least are becoming mainstream. At least two of them are gaining acceptance in some…
College Fix CPAC Poll shows Rand Paul has the Millennial Vote
Rand Paul had 31% of the Millennial vote, Ted Cruz was second with 26% and Scott Walker got 11% of the poll, which had a small sample size. But, 9% were undecided, so the GOP…