His textbook, Public Finance and Public Policy, is considered one of the best textbooks on public finance and is widely used by college courses and professors to teach the subject.
Topic: textbooks
Anti-Capitalist Professor at Columbia makes Students Buy His Textbook, but He Ignored it in Class
Sounds like someone made a profit by forcing the purchasing of a textbook unused throughout an entire semester! God bless the American free market system!
Activism Textbook in a U of Michigan Class wants to Overthrow Capitalism
While we’re at it, let’s go headfirst into a socialist system that only leads to rationing and poverty. That totally makes sense (sarcasm).
Out-Of-Print Humanities Textbooks will become Free e-Books
It is a joint project by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to make humanities textbooks available to everyone, at least the ones out of print.